
Use ChatGPT to Generate Prompts

Open Window

  1. Hover over the "Use ChatGPT to Generate Prompts" button.

  2. Open the window.

Configure ChatGPT

API Base

  1. The official default API address is https://api.openai.com/v1.
  2. If you cannot access the official website, you can search for or set up a proxy server. Fill in the address of the proxy server in "API Base". Please note that any third-party proxy server may cause your API KEY or privacy to be leaked. Use with caution.


  1. Get your API KEY from OpenAIopen in new window.
  2. You can go to video platforms, such as YouTube, to search for video tutorials on how to get an API KEY.
  3. Some potentially useful proxy servers:
    • https://api.openai-proxy.com/v1
    • https://chatai.1rmb.tk/v1
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  1. Choose the model you want to use.
  2. Each model has a different billing method.
  3. Regular accounts cannot use the "gpt-4" model.

After filling in, click the "Save" button. You don't need to fill it in again the next time you open the window.


chatanywhere/GPT_API_freeopen in new window This Github repository provides a free API interface.

  1. The API KEY provided by this project has a maximum of 120 requests per hour.
  2. The project may become invalid at any time.
  3. The API KEY provided by this project cannot use the official API Base. Please fill in the URL address provided by this project in the API Base field.
    • https://api.chatanywhere.com.cn
    • https://api.chatanywhere.cn
  4. This project has no relation to this extension. Any problems or losses caused by using this project have nothing to do with the author of this extension. Please use it at your own discretion!!!

Free Accounts

  • https://free.openai.bond/
  • https://djsfenxiang.com/
  • https://fxmus.fxopenai.xyz/
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  1. Visit these websites and use the account credentials they provide to log in to the OpenAIopen in new window official website.
  2. After logging in, create a new KEY and use it.
  3. These accounts may become invalid at any time.
  4. These websites are third-party websites and are not affiliated with this extension. The author is not responsible for any issues or losses arising from the use of these websites. Please use them at your own discretion!

Generate Prompts

  1. You can use any language to input image description information, for example:


  2. Click the "Generate" button.

  3. Click the "Use" button.